Goodbye watotos (kids), Habari Zanzibar!

It was really sad saying goodbye to our cute kids today 😦 I don’t think most of them understood that we were leaving and going home since we wave at them all the time unless someone translated for us. Then we got lots of thank you’s and handshakes from the parents and hugs from the kiddos. It feels like these two weeks have gone by so fast but yet when I think about my first day here it feels like ages ago. I’ve seen some pretty amazing things here that some of it is still hard to believe (I may actually not believe it later if I didn’t have pictures). I did a casual talk this morning with the nurses using our APHON book and slides. There’s still quite a language barrier that makes it hard to know if they understand me sometimes but I think they started understanding me more by today because they asked some really good questions. I’m pretty sure I wormed my way in to the heart of the head charge nurse which I was worried I wouldn’t. The nurses here really do work insanely hard and I feel could definitely continue to use some encouragement about how important their role is.

Ok I’m starting to get a brain fart…need food…

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